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Kids build their faith through bible stories, songs, and activities specifically designed to help them become more aware of the blessings and exciting journey that God has for them.
Week 1: Creation
Week 2: Adam and Eve
Week 3: The Woman at the Well
Week 4: Elijah and the Widow
Week 5: Naboth’s Vineyard
Week 6: God Frees His People
New to Faith City Kids!?
Here at Faith City, kids are so important to us! They are not only our present but they are our future. So together we must all make life changing deposits in the lives of our kids.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6

Bible App for Kids
Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’s Word.